Keywords are phrases and sentence, the user’s type into a search engine when searching for something. They hold an essential place for website owners through such keywords. They are the foundation of both SEO and Pay-per-click.
Search engine optimization is a fantastic way that helps in optimizing web pages to have a good ranking according to Google organic results. SEO Company in Lahore provides the best results for your page, after which you can get constant free visits to your website. They provide high-quality search engine optimization plus social media marketing services that allow a business to compete in the market. The best SEO Company in Pakistan will max out achievement barriers and ensure that the brand is reputable in the market.
Types of Keywords
Keywords can be categorized into four different types.
1. Informational keywords
People use these keywords when looking for the answer to a question or searching for general information. You can differentiate such keywords from question words, as they include the clue words like how and what is, and much more. The result pages of Google for informational searches commonly have carousels, and knowledge panels, to offer quick answers when required.
These keywords show less intent of the user to buy the product than transactional or commercial keywords; however, they are valuable in creating brand awareness by targeting with informational content. These words can make your website an authority in the niche, and you can easily trust them for basic questions.
2. Commercial keywords
People use such keywords to investigate services or brands. Such keywords show the interest of the searcher in particular services or products. The searches occur when the searcher wants to discover more about any product. They might be willing to buy or compare the product with a similar one. They reveal a person’s intention, whether they are eager to take or buy it later.

3. Transactional keywords
Transactional keywords show the strongest intent of a person to buy something. Such keywords are used with paid ads plus strongly optimized purchasing pages where people can easily access a page. Such searches happen when a person has already taken the information and come to a decision. He would search as now he is ready to make a decision. Such keywords include feature words like sale, buy, etc. Hence, the SERP of transactional keywords is linked with Google shopping ads. They are also known as buyer keywords, as an individual uses them at the initial phase of buying funnel. SEO specialist Lahore would provide the company with the best ways to increase the ranking of a website through such keywords.
4. Navigational keywords
When someone types a brand name or company, they do a navigational search. The people who perform such searches know the product or company and are looking for the correct website or location where they can buy the products. These keywords create organic traffic and make the brand or website popular. One of the Best SEO Company in Lahore provides companies with keywords that would increase the ranking of their business.